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How Business Leaders can develop more SQ skills?

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Last week I was interviewed for a research study of Beyond IQ & EQ: How transpersonal coaches can help business leaders develop Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) and I wanted to share my insights about that. Most of us have been educated only about IQ or EQ, no one really knows about Spiritual Intelligence or even about spirituality. Spirituality for some people means something beyond them or something outside of themselves, but actually many of us have been experiencing our transcended or spiritual selves are not anything outside or beyond us but rather it’s an aspect of our inner experience that we can tune into and align ourselves with. Spirituality refers to an aspect of reality that is more than physical, emotional or intellectual. Transpersonal psychology in therapy and coaching methodologies foster us to come into centre of our being, which is not something outside from the core of who we are, we establish new perspectives and states enables us to think more resourceful and most importantly, facilitate change on all relevant areas in our personal and professional lives. 

In light of this, Both IQ and EQ are important, but they are not sufficient with SQ to maintain top performance and provide enduring fulfilment for business leaders. As the intelligence of the true self, beyond the ego, spiritual intelligence has many benefits that exceed the scope of intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence. Being free of the ego allows for increased wisdom, vision, empathy and compassion, access and embed higher meanings, values, and purposes, which in return boosts creativity and intuition and leads to higher personal fulfilment and improved performance in life and work skills. SQ represents your most powerful resource for personal and professional growth and fulfilment. Spiritual intelligence is an innate dimension of intelligence to which everyone has access and develops by using specific tools, exercises and behaviours for business leaders. As a transpersonal coach, I would like to share my own insights of step-by-step process that a business leader can follow to develop a SQ over a specific period of time is: 

1- Practice Stillness: I believe in this step, we give ourselves time to be in between where we experience being between stimulus and response of the space for this aspect of our being. Our spirit exists at a subtle level of reality in which we can not see it with eyes or fear it with physical ears.  This is why I believe that people who would like to receive this with their intellects can quite blithely say nothing spiritual exists because they have never used the faculties that could detect its existence. The access to spirit through stillness can be as simple as going for a nature walk, tuning into sensory awareness and just focusing on the breath for a few minutes. 

2- Self-identity transformation: This includes shadow work, developing self awareness,  changing subconscious patterns with daily affirmations, visualisation, art therapy, sound healing, meditations, expressing gratitude and embracing the unknown. In this step, I advise business leaders to work with a transpersonal coach/therapist and/or holistic practitioners. 

3- Daily Open Awareness practice: Open awareness is a mindful mode of perception of being in the flow of pure interconnectedness with the rest of the reality by feeling a calm in the mind and body. To develop a higher Spiritual Intelligence, business leaders can step into Open Awareness to not only to deal with stress, anxiety or even just before the burnout but Open Awareness increases compassion, empathy, sense of connection, peace, joy and resilience. Being able to open the aperture of our awareness enriches our experience with reality therefore we become more in touch with conscious and unconscious resources. This can be practised through meditation and open awareness is more than a technique, it’s a state of mind and natural mode of being. 

4- Spend time in nature: Nature has a significant role for developing spiritual intelligence. As we spend more time in nature I believe that this allows us to see larger patterns, relationships and connections therefore we develop a better sense of belonging as we are a part of nature. 

5- Be open and flexible: Being open means the willingness to perceive everything as it comes, not the way you think it should, but the way it is, without judgement. It’s the concept of allowing your intuition to guide the way, without our intellect trying to label what comes. When a business leader is open to letting go of control, he also sees beyond the surface of every situation and learns to view life from different perspectives, reframing every challenge from another perspective and accessing different solutions. 

6- Tune into your purpose with intention: Purpose is the long-term mission of our soul. I believe we come to this planet to live our purpose. Our soul already knows what this purpose is, and all we have to do is remember. Business leaders not only have a purpose to develop material and social capital of a business or an organisation, but also acting from principles and deep beliefs and living accordingly. 

7- Acknowledge that we are one:  Our capacity to make sensible and lasting change is strengthened the more we become aware of how all life is intertwined. We gain exponentially more influence and power to change reality when it becomes apparent to ourselves and others that we are not just acting for our own benefit. Outstanding team leaders and members result from this. This makes for outstanding business leaders.


Imagine a world with business leaders who would follow and embody those steps. How could our experience change in terms of sociological, economical and emotional systems of governments globally? This list can be developed with other perspectives and ideas. What are your thoughts about how to develop spiritual intelligence for business leaders and make last-longing changes in the world? 


I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts.






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The Evolution of Coaching Psychology article