Peace Coaches
The LIVE Foundation can arrange free coaching for people who are directly involved in caring for the war victims.
Being of compassionate service to war victims and refugees can lead to overwhelm, anxiety and burnout of the carer. Carers can benefit from coaching by having someone to listen to them, with whom to share their concerns and difficulties, and to help them to manage the emotional and psychological challenges of caring work.
If you are involved in caring for war victims or refugees and you would like to receive free coaching, view the profiles of the Peace Coaches below and visit the link in the profile of the coach that you would like to contact. Sessions take place online or by phone.
Meet the Peace Coaches
The individuals listed below are all certified coaches who are accredited with an established coach accreditation organization, and they each undergo coaching supervision.

Vitalii Dominichenko is an IACTM Accredited Coach and Certified Transpersonal Coach.
Vitalii is Ukrainian and living in his country – amidst the terror and trauma caused by the war. He provides free coaching to help alleviate the suffering that the Ukrainian people are having to endure. He is also supporting local orphanages to help make living easier for the children of war.
Find out more about Vitalii and his valuable work in his IACTM Accredited Coach profile.

Emily Carton is a Certified Transpersonal Coach.
Much of Emily´s professional life has been working with people and families at the end of life. She considers herself a “fellow human traveller who has navigated and continues to navigate life´s transitions, losses, and the many possibilities and meaning making we create through our experiences.”

Chistine Miskelly is a Certified Transpersonal Coach.
Coaching is not the same as counselling or psychotherapy although the process can be therapeutic and even healing. At the heart is the belief that a person holds within themselves all the resources they need to lead a meaningful life and to find solutions to their own challenges.

Susan Horsburgh is an IACTM Accredited Coach and Certified Transpersonal Coach.
Susan’s area of interest is in supporting individuals who may have challenges with integrating past experiences. For those encountering discomfort due to working with war victims or due to their own spiritual awakening, Susan provides a safe container for your exploration, using supportive and compassionate transpersonal coaching methods.
Discover more about Susan’s valuable work in her IACTM Accredited Coach profile.

Jevon Dangeli is an IACTM Accredited Coach and Certified Transpersonal Coach.
Jevon’s work includes guiding individuals and teaching groups how to overcome perceived obstacles, limiting beliefs, unwanted negative emotions, and dis-ease, so that they can actualize more of the self-other-environment connection, and thereby experience greater levels of joy, resourcefulness, and productivity in their personal and professional life.
Find out more about Jevon’s coaching in his IACTM Accredited Coach profile.

Jana Allmrodt is an IACTM Accredited Coach and Certified Transpersonal Coach.
Jana is fully present with her clients, connecting from the heart and listening with sensitivity to their story without judgement. She provides a safe space in which fear, destructive thoughts and worries about the present and future can give way to the next most useful step in the person´s life. Assisting people to tune into their body and becoming aware of their own intuitive guidance is what she is most passionate about.
Discover more about Jana´s valuable work in her IACTM Accredited Coach profile.

Romaine Jonglez is a Conscious Leadership Accredited Coach.
As a coach, Romaine feels it is her duty to help people who are directly impacted by the war in Ukraine. She is recognized for her calming and caring presence. She is passionate about the positive impact of self-transformation on all aspects of one’s life.

Shelley Whitehead is an IACTM Accredited Coach and Certified Transpersonal Coach.
Over the past 15 years Shelley has helped many people by guiding them to increase their confidence and transforming their challenges into a fulfilling life. We are not always able to see through the darkness of our grief, yet nestled within our emotional turmoil are the glowing embers of a new beginning. Shelley assists you to clear the darkness and ignite your soul’s fire.
Discover more about Shelley´s valuable work in her IACTM Accredited Coach profile.

José Manuel Berenguer is an IACTM Accredited Coach.
José`s work consists in helping people to develop the natural capacities of the human being to overcome fear and teaching them how to release negativity, while generating positive attraction in life.
Discover more about José´s valuable work in his IACTM Accredited Coach profile.

Emmalisu Klein is a Jungian coach in Northern California.
Her favorite area of specialization is dreamwork, because dreams give us such a unique and personal look into the reality of our daily lives. I listen carefully and am interested in helping my clients find wholeness and acceptance in the reality of their lives.
Discover more about Emmalisu´s valuable work in her IACTM Accredited Coach profile.