
All Coaches, Therapists, Mentors and Trainers featured in the IACTM Directory, as well as those seeking to employ the services of these professionals, please take note of the following policy.

Every IACTM accredited professional is expected to provide accurate and honest information about themselves, their experience, their qualifications and about the service which they provide.

The profiles of all IACTM accredited professionals may only include information that is relevant to the type of listing and not for any other purpose. Members using their featured profiles for any other purpose will risk having their membership terminated and their membership fees forfeited.

If you are seeking to employ the services of a Coach, Therapist, Mentor or Trainer, you are encouraged to ask for proof of their qualifications and experience before hiring them. Although all IACTM Accredited Coaches, Therapists, Mentors and Trainers are screened and have agreed to our code of ethics, IACTM cannot be held responsible for any behaviours that are in breech of this.

Should you as a client or course participant experience behaviours on the part of any IACTM accredited Coaches, Therapists, Mentors or Trainers that are in breech of our code of ethics, please notify us at once so that we can take appropriate action within our means.

IACTM maintains the right to terminate any membership and accreditation and withhold any paid fees should the member’s behaviour be contrary to any part of our code of ethics, or should the member’s actions go against any of the IACTM accreditation criteria, or should it be established that any of the information provided to IACTM or to the member’s clients regarding the member’s qualification or experience is inaccurate.

By employing the services of any IACTM Accredited Coaches, Therapists, Mentors or Trainers, you agree to not hold us responsible for any misconduct on their part.

The content of this website is intended to contribute toward your personal and/or professional development. How you interpret and use the information published on this website is your responsibility.

By becoming an IACTM member or by employing the services of one, you agree to everything included in the policy above.