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Trust yourself and your natural gifts

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You do not need another certification, more than you need trust in yourself and your natural gifts. The race for higher education, certificates, and accolades has made millions of beautiful souls feel like they are not enough, unless they achieve more.. Unless they have a certificate or title to prove their worth. The current system has made us believe the story that our highest wisdom and gifts are acquired from outside of us - when they are actually unlocked from within. It has made us believe that we need the external world to validate our worth, when true validation can only come from our trust in self. Of course, there will always be a place for higher learning, training and the acquiring of skills. And there will always be souls that gravitate towards this - because they love it. The soul is naturally hungry to learn and grow, across all dimensions of existence.

On Earth, there are hundreds of fields that require training and higher education. But for those who feel they are here to share from their hearts, their unique essence, their inner wisdom - this is something that can not be given from the outside. 

Looking out there and comparing yourself to what others are doing, what methods exist today, will keep you from discovering the new way that only you can birth from within. 

The answer is no out there. The answer is in what is most fun and expansive to you. Ask yourself: what feels good, what feels most YOU? Share your voice to  be seen and heard, share your voice to start the change that the world is craving.

Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 1

Your post really resonate with me. As a yoga teacher, my personal practice is individualized and serves many purposes for my well being; competition and comparison with others is not part of it. I also encourage yogis in my classes to draw their senses inward and focus on their individual practice; not comparing themselves to others in the yoga studio who they perceive as more "flexible" or "strong." Often times we come to the yoga class to move away from the competitive nature of life. However, as a yoga teacher I see the race for confirmation as a teacher and the booming of yoga trainings to deepen and expand your knowledge. The feeling of not being or doing enough was present with me for the first few years of my teaching experience. This is also something that I see in many of my clients; the belief of not being or doing enough. To look outside of oneself for validation and worth.

People externalise because they have no trust in themselves. Instead of taking responsibility by taking action they wait for someone else to do it for them or to tell them how they should proceed. It is the underlying foundation of many people’s lives. It suggests that they need guru’s to show them the right way, politicians to fix their society’s problems. Obviously, this leaves a lot of room for manipulation by those who are entrusted with this power and unfortunately, many people’s high expectations are painfully disappointed more often than not. This is true in many walks of life, not only in yoga or other learing environments. We can see this everywhere in the world today. I recently came across yet another yoga governing body where my teaching was rated based on the hours that I had taught, not on the way I was teaching or what I was sharing.

Develop a healthy trust in yourself and take responsibility for your life, if you do not want to make your whole life dependent on others. Connect with the inner wisdom that is within you, instead of waiting for others to impose their “truths” upon you. 

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Love & Light

This post was modified 1 year ago by Malin
This post was modified 1 year ago by TCTN admin



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The Evolution of Coaching Psychology article