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To TEST or not to T...
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To TEST or not to TEST! That is the question…

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I recently shared a post entitled "One Session Problem Blow-out: Fact or Fiction?"

Here is the link and I’d love for you to read that first for context on the thoughts and questions that I am about to share here in this post:

Further to what I shared in that post, it dawned on me that I neglected to mention one crucial ingredient which, in my humble opinion, was responsible for ‘sealing the deal’ so to speak, on whether a client’s issue was well and truly resolved in just one session.

Now I can totally appreciate your skepticism on such a possibility. After all, I, too, was once a grave skeptic.

However, having now facilitated phenomenal outcomes scores of times, I know without a shadow of a doubt that it IS in fact possible and if I can help a client achieve such a result in just one session, this creates the energetic blueprint of possibility for you to achieve these types of client outcomes, too.

So, with that energy imbued in this post, let us shift to the matter at hand… testing!

You will know and frame this as ‘future pacing’, something which we all typically do with our clients after we have supported a transformative experience. We have our client envision a time in the future, when the original problem that that they had presented with, is no longer present. We have them imagine a scenario which once would have triggered them however now, after clearing the issue in the session, fails to elicit the same negative response.


However, lately I have been challenging myself to take this to a new level (and perhaps this is something that you already do and if yes, I would LOVE to hear about your experiences in the comments below).

Over the past year, once a client has successfully Future Paced, I ask, once again, What’s the problem?” to which they typically respond “There is no problem”.

Where I have next-levelled it is to confidently challenge them on this! Yes, you read that correctly… I challenge them on the very outcome that I helped to elicit.

Allow me to share what that looks like…


Me:     So now, what’s the problem?

Client: There is no problem.

Me:     Are you sure?

Client: Haha, yes I am sure.

Me:     Mmmm, I’m not sure I believe you.

Client: Why the heck not?

Me:     Well we just had this ONE session today and you’ve been dragging the problem around for decades, haven’t you?

Client: I know, but I just can’t find it anymore!

Me:     Are you really sure? Dig deep…. !

Client: Look. I’m telling you, it’s really gone and you helped me get rid of it! Why are you questioning something that you helped me achieve?!

           (Client is getting a bit annoyed now)

Me:     Because if there is even a SHRED of the issue left, I would like us to find it and untie it right here, right now, in our session, so that our

           work doesn’t unravel when you get out into the real world.

Client: Ohhhhh ok I see what you are doing. But let me assure you… the issue is well and truly gone.

BOOM! End of session.


So why do I do this? Why on earth would I demonstrate such skepticism (and confidence)

and test my client in this way?


Frankly, I really DO want to break them down into either declaring a total resolution of the

issue OR for us to find some remaining scraps so that I can work with them to clear it right

there, if possible, or if we are out of time, we commit to focusing on that one (or more)

remaining elements in session two. When we do that, the problem really, truly, is removed

from the client’s conscious mind, their unconscious mind and their spirit.


I quite literally demonstrate true and committed skepticism, to the same extent to which

some of you reading my post on one-session problem blow-outs may have felt. It does

require a high degree of confidence in one’s work as a Coach, and this is perhaps easier to

execute with many sessions of experience under one’s belt.  


However, when we are so confident in the transformation that we offer our clients, that WE

are in a position to challenge the very result that we helped to engineer, this results in our

clients passionately arguing in favour of the changes that they have experienced in the

session, and thus they truly embed the new neural pathways in their brain, positive

neurotransmitters flood their nervous system and their entire physiology shifts.


In fact, I just received a message from a client who had suffered Tinnitus for 10 years and

Raynaud’s Syndrome (allergy to cold temperatures to simplify it) for decades more, and

both are just… gone. She had seen doctors, physiotherapists, Chinese Medicine

Practitioners, Acupuncturists and more. In the end, her desperate physiotherapist here in

Germany had referred her to me and voila! RESULTS!


Perhaps what I have just shared is nothing special and you already do this. Or perhaps you

have never pushed a client to the edge where if it were not virtual, they may have felt

enraged enough to punch you in the face whilst trying to convince you that their problem is



Either way, I would love to hear about your experiences, whether or not you have done this

before, and what thoughts this post provokes.


Perhaps you have not tried this yet and you cannot wait to or perhaps you lack the

confidence to try this as yet.


Whether this approach feels right for you, or not, I would love to hear about it, for often

I find myself in these amazing places and I am left wondering “So, does everyone do this

already or is this just my thing?”. I don’t mind either way.


All I know is, if this post stimulates even one Coach or Therapist to make this extra level

Push on testing, and that results in a “forever” problem resolution for your client, then my

higher self will know and my soul will sleep a little more peacefully at night.


With love and light,

Vinita Temmert




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The Evolution of Coaching Psychology article