Thank you for applying for IACTM accreditation

A receipt has been sent to the email address that you used when signing up.

You have also been sent an email with the login details for your accreditation account.

Your next steps:

The IACTM Accreditation Committee requires to have relevant documentation on record, therefore please provide us with the following:

For coaches/therapists:

  • Evidence that you have provided a minimum of at least 50 hours of coaching/therapy. You can provide us with your own hours log or you can use the IACTM log
  • Evidence that you have undergone at least 100 hours of Coach/Therapy specific training from a reputable Coach/Therapy training provider.
  • A copy of your relevant certificate(s)
  • Submit the IACTM Code of Ethics form

For trainers:

  • Evidence that you have a relevant qualification in the area that you will be providing training.
  • Evidence that you have at least 100 hours of professional experience in the area that you will be providing training.
  • Submit the IACTM Code of Ethics form

For mentors/supervisors:

  • Evidence that you are an active Mentor or Supervisor with a minimum of 50 hours of professional experience in a mentoring or supervising role. You can provide us with your own hours log or you can use the IACTM log
  • Evidence that you have undergone at least 100 hours of training, or mentoring, or supervision related to developing the necessary skills and expertise to be a professional Mentor or Supervisor.
  • Submit the IACTM Code of Ethics form

Please login to your account and click on “profile” where you can fill in the various content fields. Click “save & continue” once you are done.

Your profile and the information that you have provided will then be reviewed and we will get back to you within a few business days.

Thank you,