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What does it mean to coach the Whole Person?

5 Posts
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Joined: 7 years ago
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In my view, coaching the whole person means coaching from a transpersonal perspective and incorporating the following seven levels into the coaching process: 

  1. Body (physical health & performance)

  2. Mind (mental health & performance)

  3. Emotion (motivations & reactions)

  4. Shadow (unconscious aspects of the personality)

  5. Connection (relationships & inter-relatedness of phenomena)

  6. Soul (subtle essence of individuals & groups)

  7. Spirit (causal & non-dual realms)

Transpersonal coaching empowers people to transcend the ego states, mindsets and behaviours that inhibit their personal, professional and spiritual growth.

One of the primary roles of the transpersonal coach is to hold a liminal space (present, receptive and emergent), walking the client through a transformative passage that involves open questioning, deep listening and guided processes that help the client to integrate new, widened and resourceful perspectives into their lives.

In the following link is a 20 minute video presentation where I outline a transpersonal approach to coaching the whole person:

If you would like to comment, or if you have any questions, or if you would like to introduce another approach to coaching the whole person, please reply to this post.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 7

I believe that Transpersonal Coaching is a holistic way to facilitate the development and transformation. By holding a space for our clients, we are able to create a resourceful state that can at times, evoke powerful insights.  If we are to consider the non-dualistic concept, and that the 'self' is in fact an illusion then it makes sense that transpersonal methodology will present clients with an insight into who they really are (as well as access to universal resources) ; however,  as I have highlighted in a recent forum , we must also consider the importance of developing a healthy ego -  it is from this platform that they will transcend.

I find that integrating and grounding concepts such as these easier when presented in metaphorical terms. I am trying to establish if this coaching process embodies an outside in, or inside out approach (or both). If we look for example at open awareness, clients are asked to expand their perception to include that which is outside of them. We are asking them to be 'in' the body and 'out' of their head. Are they linking in to that which is beyond their normal conceptions of self and bringing that resourceful state in, or are we asking them to expand their inner 'self' out to meet or perceive those resources? I appreciate these are a play on words but I find it interesting from the perspective of where we situate the 'self' in this process. Perhaps it is an interplay of the subjective and objective that makes this type of coaching so effective. 

Fundamentally, for me, transpersonal development has not changed my day to day experiences (consciousness itself is still the same) what has changed is my perception, attention and purpose (my perspective of consciousness has changed) which in turn has changed my worldview). By using TP coaching techniques, we are opening the clients awareness to see what is already there, which in turn, creates a new way of thinking and ‘being’ in the world.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 7

I believe that Transpersonal Coaching is a holistic way to facilitate development and transformation. By holding a space for our clients, we are able to create a resourceful state that can at times, evoke powerful insights.  If we are to consider the non-dualistic concept, and that the 'self' is in fact an illusion then it makes sense that transpersonal methodology will present clients with an insight into who they really are (as well as access to universal resources) ; however,  as I have highlighted in a recent forum , we must also consider the importance of developing a healthy ego -  it is from this platform that they will transcend.

I find that integrating and grounding concepts such as these easier when presented in metaphorical terms. I am trying to establish if this coaching process embodies an outside in, or inside out approach (or both). If we look for example at open awareness, clients are asked to expand their perception to include that which is outside of them. We are asking them to be 'in' the body and 'out' of their head. Are they linking in to that which is beyond their normal conceptions of self and bringing that resourceful state in, or are we asking them to expand their inner 'self' out to meet or perceive those resources? I appreciate these are a play on words but I find it interesting from the perspective of where we situate the 'self' in this process. Perhaps it is an interplay of the subjective and objective that makes this type of coaching so effective. 

Fundamentally, for me, transpersonal development has not changed my day to day experiences (consciousness itself is still the same) what has changed is my perception, attention and purpose (my perspective of consciousness has changed) which in turn has changed my worldview. By using TP coaching techniques, we are opening the clients awareness to see what is already there, which in turn, creates a new way of thinking and ‘being’ in the world.

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 21

Hello Donna, 

I like the way you engage with concepts of consciousness, awareness, attention  and perspective.

For transpersonal development to have meaning, I would say that it needs to integrate into our daily lives. If  as you point out, awareness, which is the faculty and process of perception, expands, so does conciousness. Conciousness determines how we as a Self, relate to the world. So by expanding awareness - as in Open Awareness - we change the way we are in the world 

If you look in the latest edition of the Transpersonal Course Manual, I've written an article on how the state of our awareness can be described and how it may influence consciousness and behaviour (States of Awareness Model).

There's much hope, isn't there, in the way simple transpersonal approaches and techniques can change us in fundamental ways? 

Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 7

Thank you so much Hennie for your reply and I am sorry for the delayed response.. I have actually been exploring the relevance of ego development for spiritual realisation during a recent essay.. Fascinating with so many perspectives to debate. Thank you for signposting me to your essay. I will enjoy reading your ideas about awareness and how they can influence behaviour. You are right, there is hope (which the world desperately needs right now).. : )  

Warm Regards,




  1. Exploring the value of transpersonal perspectives in coaching or therapy.
  2. Investigating the usefulness of transpersonal interventions in coaching or therapy.
  3. Engaging in conversations to inspire and motivate a transpersonal vision among coaches and therapists.
  4. Introducing and discussing transpersonal models and processes that can be applied in coaching or therapy.
  5. Sharing ideas, knowledge, experiences and resources that are useful to transpersonal coaches or therapists.


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The Evolution of Coaching Psychology article